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to the gaming industry

Expertise by experience

The expertise of LIG® – Leading Innovative Gaming – is deeply rooted in the gaming industry. Decades of experience as casino managers and operators and vast network of dedicated specialists empower the company that LIG® is today. A full service business partner that is dedicated to the casino industry. A focus that concerns the off line casino business as well as the much appreciated and growing on line gaming market. 

Inspired by ambitions

Innovation fuels all our activities in both existing business models as well as emerging markets. A focus  on maximizing customer potential and revenues. Powered by cutting edge gaming industry technology we facilitate our clients mission and ambitions: To offer players the most realistic, thrilling and rewarding gaming experience.

Empowering every aspect of the business

Owning several casino game brands and developing new and exciting gaming concepts, we guarantee premium products and services to our business partners.  LIG® Networks is your access to experienced professionals in the field of marketing communications, content management, gaming business strategies and legal matters. We even can provide you with powerful casino targeted domain names.

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Co-Creation by shared interest and investment

As a gaming business expert, LIG® not only provides services to business partners and clients. We also actively develop games and market them on an international scale. Currently we have several projects in development, some of which in a concept stadium and some of them are almost ready to be launched. Our business model is based on Co-Creation. Read more…